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Library Connect

Deaf Heritage Centre Library Service
Hello welcome to the Deaf Heritage Centre library, here we supply all kinds of books on various different topics such as history, education, sign language, linguistics and many more. Are you interested? Well if so you can become a member, and how do you do that? You just pay via an application form this can be filled out in person in the Deaf Heritage Centre or online at
The video right of the screen shows you how to use the library, just sit back and watch and it explains the whole process. The process outlines the three important details provided for each book- the name, the code and the number or colour. When you arrive you can take a look at the library and begin your search for the topic or book you are interested in, or you can email us at with the name of the book and we can source it for you from our library, so it is ready on your arrival.
If you look below there is a link titled “DHC LIBRARY” just click and it brings up a menu with all the rules and guidelines, once you have read and understood the rules click agree and then you will have full access to the library. Hope you enjoy!
Library Membership
To become a member please fill in and submit form on our Membership page
Opening Times
Monday to Thursday 11am to 3pm